I stand with the thirteenth Doctor

Fans of Doctor Who, it seems, are either thrilled or devastated by the news that Jodie Whittaker (a.k.a. A WOMAN?! *le gasp*) is going to be the next incarnation of the Doctor. It was a move that a lot of us saw coming, but not all of us are on board with. While I understand some people’s reservations about the actor herself (apparently she lacked charisma in Broadchurch), I feel that’s the only valid concern about the future of the series. I really don’t want to seem harsh, but these days I am becoming increasingly impatient with those who refuse to accept social change and acceptance. So really, and in the most polite fashion I can muster, I really want to have a bit of a rant about that.The internet really has been a bingo card of everything we have come to expect from – to generalize – the more right-wing/Libertarian viewership of Doctor Who. I am loath to throw around the terms ‘mysoginist’ or ‘meninist’, because I think the main cause of uproar isn’t to do with the issue of equality, but rather the show’s canon and a negative reaction to change.

Honestly, I do understand your complaints. Yes, back in the day the Doctor was always represented as a white man. Presumably straight and cis to boot, though to my knowledge that was never specified. I’d be annoyed too if the show just abandoned its own logic and rules after fifty years, but the thing is though, it didn’t. TV shows grow and evolve with each season, and if they’re fantasy or sci-fi it’s not uncommon for new concepts to be introduced along the way. Heck, the idea of regeneration itself wasn’t planned – the show runners only thought of it when the first Doctor, William Hartnell, decided to leave the show. An idea that was created to fix a problem ended up becoming an exciting and original plot point that is integral to the show, and it doesn’t stop there. Since Moffat took over as show runner at the end of season 4 of the modern series, he has made clear changes to the show’s stance on regeneration. He paved the way for Capaldi and Whittaker (and future incarnations) by having the Time Lords gift Matt Smith’s Doctor with a new regeneration cycle. It has been stated in Classic Who that a Time Lord is only allowed twelve regenerations, so if Moffat had followed these rules – BOOM –  no more show. He has also given us many many examples of the different changes a regeneration can occur, preparing us for the inevitable change, one that we have been working towards since the 80s: a female doctor.

Here’s why it works for me. Like most aspects of the show, there aren’t often any strict rules in Doctor Who. How many times does the Doctor warn against the dangers of crossing time streams or messing with a fixed point in time, only to go ahead and mess with those exact same things in the next episode? And with regeneration, the leading theory is that no Time Lord can really chose their appearance, but their subconscious may be able to sway the process a little. That is, after all, how they filled that gaping plot hole when Capaldi became the twelfth Doctor. He had previously appeared in the show as a different character, so they got around that by working into the show that he wanted to send his future self some kind of message. Since regeneration is a concept that was created entirely to ensure the show’s continuation, as continues to be such, my personal headcanon is that the Time Lords don’t even really understand the process themselves! All they know is that they change physically, personally, and yes, they can also change gender. At the end of the day, this is canon now. Theories of Time Lord genital biology aside, we’re working with the facts of a fictional TV show, and intersex Time Lords are a thing. In a world where it is possible to change your sex, skin colour, hair, even your accent, I find it difficult to believe it is inconceivable for the Doctor to become female. “But he’s always been a white male!” you cry. He wasn’t Scottish before Capaldi; maybe his subconscious fancied a change!

But it really does boil down to our inability to view a work of fiction simply as what it is. This is a sci-fi show, the Doctor is an alien, of a fictional race who happen to be gender-fluid, race-fluid and all that jazz. But we cant just see it as that, we have to relate it to us, as humans, in our own societal constructs that we understand. It doesn’t matter our views on the thirteenth Doctor, we’re all guilty of it. Cons are saying “it’s Time Lord not Time Lady!” and pros are saying “it’s the show’s responsibility to have diverse representation“. Whatever your views, surely it’s possible to agree that aliens would most likely have very different biology and societal constructs to us?!

At the end of the day, I’m happy to welcome Jodie Whittaker as 13. A female Doctor makes sense within the show for me, and appeases my need for diverse representation in television. Like it or lump it, this is happening, and I hope those who oppose this move can use this as an opportunity to further their thinking and engage in constructive conversations. Doctor Who, just like our society, is ever-changing. The Doctor fears his regeneration every time, but always ends up embracing his new self. Change is scary, but please don’t close your minds to opportunity.


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Review: The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon

The highly-anticipated third instalment in The Bone Season series, The Song Rising is ultimately my least favourite so far. Personally I haven’t had the best ride with this series; the first book had me proclaiming it was my favourite series since Harry Potter, the second disappointed but left me optimistic for the third, and now … honestly, I’m a bit worried.

The Bone Season gave us original, fantasy/dystopian magic. It was wonderful and everything I never knew I wanted. The Mime Order was a Victorian murder mystery jaunt around London and, though I could appreciate it, it wasn’t to my taste. And now The Song Rising, which just felt like Mission: Impossible in a slightly more futuristic London and everything fell just a little bit flat.

It picks up where the second left off, with Paige having won the crown of Underqueen and discovered the terrible truth about Jaxon. And then … we just flounder for a few hundred pages. Paige becoming Underqueen was not a story choice I really got on board with, mainly because of the way this book panned out with Paige’s queenliness as a theme just did not work for me. In this book there is a high focus on dry politics in a criminally focused dystopican underworld, which is … exactly what we got in The Mime Order. But now there’s even more focus … because Paige is their Underqueen. I felt like there was next to no time spent on core elements such as clairvoyance, ghosts, Rephaim and emim – the elements that were truly the halmark of this series, making it so unique to me. Instead, what we get is just more and more Scion politics and gang-stuff, in another atypical plot that just does not stand out. And what is frustrating to me is that there is so much more to this world that Shannon has created – but it keeps being swept to the side. But for things that have already been explored. We don’t need another half-chapter dedicated to Paige and Warden wanting so badly to touch each other but abstaining because *forbidden*. What I’d really love is a bit of something new, or hey, how about delving into all those unanswered questions that are still left over from book one? No?

The Song Rising felt like filler. When I pick up a new instalment in a series, I’m asking for something fresh and new, and for the story to progress in a meaningful way, for questions to be answered and subsequential ones to be lain. I don’t feel like I found any of that in The Song Rising, all that really showed up for me was frustration. However … the world and the premise still compels me. The supernatural elements, and a handful of secondary characters really captured me, and have done for three books now. And though, sadly, I don’t have a positive review for The Song Rising, I’m very much hoping this is where that trend ends. I’m choosing optimism, lads! Let’s see what the next one has in store for us …


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Review: The Obelisk Gate by N.K Jemisin

It seems even the best authors can fall victim to Middle Book Syndrome.

I still adore N.K. Jemisin, I still think she’s a goddess. The Obelisk Gate just didn’t do it for me. The first book in this series, The Fifth Season, was just so exciting. It was filled with incredible world-building and a well-paced journey with a complex and likable heroine. But whereas The Fifth Season was probably 70% backstory, I should really have known this instalment would focus more on the present.

The first half of the book was (comparatively) dull as mud. Nothing of much interest happens to Essun, she appeared stagnant and incapable. We got more about Nassun, Essun’s daughter, and her life-changing journey after the beginning of the latest apocalypse. Ultimately, she was interesting, but not for a long while.

By the time things really started happening, I had already given into my boredom. I really wasn’t invested, and all I was really hoping for was more of Schaffa’s backstory. He had quickly become the most intriguing character, as my love for Essun kind of waned.

I’m still going to read the final instalment of this trilogy, but I hope the pacing improves in the next one.


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